British Association of Flower Essence Producers
The British Association of Flower Essence Producers
​Although BAFEP began as a representative for UK essence producers, it now supports essence producers on all five continents. It holds information and advises on the standards of production, labelling and advertising in accordance with the guidelines as laid down in law by various UK governmental agencies, which often reflect those held by other countries.
BAFEP in its capacity as a trade Association represents the interests of the Essence community in discussions with FSA and DEFRA in relation to matters that affect its members.
BAFEP also keeps abreast of the ever-changing politics within the UK, EU and beyond that concern essences, both now and in the future. For the general public BAFEP provides a listing of over 60 essence producers (including 8 who produce Bach Flower Remedy ranges according to the traditional instructions laid down by Dr Edward Bach) who abide by BAFEP standards and are entitled to use the BAFEP logo in their literature and labelling.
BAFEP welcomes non-UK/EU members, solely on the conditions that they meet the essence production and labelling requirements of their country and should their essences be imported into the UK/EU, that their labelling and literature also meet UK/EU requirements.
In January 2011 we began the online, multi-faceted and searchable essence database. This is an ongoing venture with essences of BAFEP members being added to and the information already present being regularly updated. BAFEP hopes this will be a useful resource for practitioners, members of the public and researchers.
Full information, guidance, graphs and examples of nutritional labelling can be given on request.