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The Dark Sky and Solar System Tree and Flower Essences




These essences are created in Co. Tyrone. Northern Ireland from the wild flowers and trees that grow in hedgerows in the country roads close by my home. These are the very same flowers and trees that I formed a deep relationship with as a child as I walked to school. After 43 years I was called to return to Ireland to reconnect and renew these relationships and create essences for the wellbeing of humanity at this time of great change. 


The essences hold the spirit of the Irish soil that manifests in the soul expression of the plant world. These essences are enriched by the interplay and energetic influences of the Solar System as the various stars and planets connect to the different plants. This magical interplay of vibrations and energies brings heaven and earth together to create peace, harmony and balance  in our human body, mind and spirit in way that is totally safe working through our subtle energetic bodies. 


This system of essences regards our being as holding one vibration at any given time and as such the essences should be chosen by our souls affinity to the flower photographs and only one essence should be used at a time

Contact Details:

20 Loghley Terrace, Drumguin, Co. Tyrone, N. Ireland, BT78 4BG



Producer: Wyn Tyrie

Trinite Holistic Essences - Therapist Range

Claire Walkiden qualified as a Flower Essence Practitioner in the 1990's and has worked with essences for over 20 years...adding a further years training to qualify with a Diploma in 2010. She moved to France in 2011 and started Trinite Holistic Therapy Business. During the last 7 years she has been producing Flower Essences in the Sun Method and has just launched a range of blended essences for Therapists.

"THERAPIST RANGE" is designed to support all kinds of therapists and to help them to treat their clients with appropriate flower essence blends.  They are available in 30ml dosage dropper bottles or as 100ml body or room sprays.

"YOUR BUNCH" is an additional service offering individual personalised blends available to order and sent by post.

Contact Details:

Claire Walkiden MFHT, Trinité Holistic Therapy Practice, Montarel Ouest
24130 St Georges de Blancaneix, Dordogne, France

0033 (0)553 63 98 52  
Mob: 0033 (0)631 38 37 50

Producer: Claire Walkiden


The Ninth Halo Essences

Pamela has been a spiritual healer nearly all her life and a tutor for over thirty.
She emphasizes the spiritual in all that she does, including with her essences
which come to us to enlighten, guide and heal. She hopes they will bring
peace, abundance and growth to all who use them.
She is a BAFEP member; BFVEA Advanced Member; tutor for The National
Federation of Spiritual Healers; Master Reiki Teacher.

Enlightenment essences - help open the door to our true Self while giving
support during life’s ups and downs.

Spiritual Traveller essences - help us connect with our soul’s journey and
the purpose of the life we now travel.

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.”
Lao Tzu, founder of Taoism


Text: 0772 090 5123

Producer: Pamela Townsend


                                                © 2025 British Association of Flower Essence Producers 

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