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Tony Pinkus

Tony Pinkus BPharm, FFHom(Pharm)

Director of Ainsworths

Superintendent Pharmacist of Ainsworths Homoeopathic Pharmacy

Technical Director and Head of Quality Assurance Ainsworths (London) Limited

Grantee of Royal Warrants of Appointment to HM The Queen, HM The Queen Mother and HRH The Prince of Wales

Dean of Pharmacy, Faculty of Homeopathy

Chairman and co-founder of BAFEP


Tony makes the Bach Flower remedies for Ainsworths and teaches a course on Bach Flower therapy based on a unique, patient-centred method of prescribing.


Tony has been the Chairman since 2006


Sam Cremnitz

Sam is co-owner at Crystal Herbs and has been working professionally with flower & vibrational essences since 1996. He is passionate about all aspects of flower & vibrational essences, from making and developing essences to using them for personal and spiritual growth.

Sam is a trained essence practitioner, energy healer and teacher and loves sharing knowledge and information about essences and any other tools that help us to re-connect with our hearts and the true essence of who we are.

As well as working with essences at Crystal Herbs, Sam was also a course tutor on the College of Vibrational Medicine's two year flower essence diploma course.

Sam has been the Treasurer since 2018

saskia in field by Daisy Davidson.jpg

Saskia Marjoram

Saskia Marjoram has been working with plants her whole life, as a professional gardener and florist, and later as a flower essence producer and flower essence practitioner. She first started making flower essences in 2003 when she started Saskia’s Flower Essences with her friend Christine Felce.

In 2017 she took the company on solo and now is based in East Somerset where she has a dedicated shop, consultation space and bottling facility.

She is passionate about educating people about how essences can help and getting them to a wider audience. She also teaches about her range.

Saskia started as Secretary in 2024


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